The 2022-23 Synod is an opportunity for each of us to dream about the church we want for the next millennium. Pope Francis has called ALL people of God to join this journey in every country and in every diocese. It’s now our time to come together as people who care about our spiritual home community and to talk about our experiences and share our ideas.
Please join us in one of the following gatherings specifically geared to our parish community:
Thursday, March 3, from 7-8:30 p.m. on Zoom Saturday, March 5, from 10-11:30 a.m. in St. Ann’s Hall
Note: Both presentations will be the same, so attend whichever one better fits with your schedule.
There will also be sign-up sheets after the masses on Feb 20 and Feb 27.
You can also call the Parish Office at 907-586-1513.
Note: Pre-registration is not required but it will help us with planning. In addition, we would like to send you information in advance, including the Zoom link if you wish to participate virtually.
Thank you for your commitment to our parish community and to the future of our broader church community.
Contact Kim Champney with questions at 907-957-1970 or[email protected]