"Let the little children come to me...; for to such belongs the kingdom of God." (Mk. 10:14)
About the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
In years gone past, this program has been known as Cathechism Class, Religious Education, Sunday School, and so on. But this program is unique in its approach. Here then are the details.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is the process of religious education used at the Cathedral for our children toddlers through 6th grade. CGS was founded in Rome in 1955 by theologian Sofia Cavalletti, and Montessorian Gianna Gobbi. Employing both the Montessori method and the two sources of Scripture and Liturgy, CGS presents the fundamental elements of faith to children in a way that invites them to fall in love with Jesus, the Good Shepherd. CGS is present in 37 countries throughout the world.
The CGS classroom is called an Atrium, a term referring to the space where catechumens were catechized in the first few centuries of the Church. It is a sacred space for children, along with their catechists, to study and pray.
There are three levels of CGS:
For additional information, please contact:
Bridget Goertzen, Director of Religious Education
Phone: 907-586-1317 ♦ Email: [email protected].
Do you have a child aged 3-11 you'd like to enroll in our program?