"They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire...and all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit..." (Acts 2:4)
I've never joined a church before, but I'd like to. I've heard about the Catholic Church and would like to know more. What do I need to do to become a Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is specifically designed for persons who are not baptized. When an unbaptized person expresses a desire to become a member of the Catholic Church an intense, searching and formative journey begins. If you are considering becoming Catholic please call the pastor or the parish office for information on how to begin. Those phone numbers are on the homepage.
I'm already a baptized Christian. What do I need to do to become a Catholic?
When a person asks about joining the Catholic Church we first try to find out about their past experiences of being formed in their faith. Some have had rich experiences in formal classes or have even attended a faith-based school, while others have had very little training in what it means to be Christian. Based on what their faith experiences have been, a decision is made together with the person about what would be best for him/her. The Liturgical Committee of the Bishops Conference has stated that “discernment should be made regarding the length of catechetical formation required for each individual candidate for reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church.”
In some cases—if someone has been both baptized and confirmed in another church and has a strong and informed foundation in their Christian faith—that person can be received into the Church by a simple Act of Profession of Faith. A period of preparation and contemplation precedes the day on which it will happen—with the actual time period needed to do so being dependant on the individual's current knowledge and/or any further growth in understanding of Catholic beliefs and practices that may be needed.
For a person who needs or wants more formation in their growth in faith, sessions are held at announced times during the year on various topics of doctrine and spirituality. It is recommended that reception into the Church for baptized persons, which usually includes Confirmation, be done at a time other than the Easter Vigil.
We rejoice with each person who wants to continue his/her faith journey by membership in our Catholic community, and we welcome them into our midst.
For more information, please call the Parish Office.at 907-586-1513.